Jumat, 07 Desember 2007

The Traditional Manners to Overcome Bad Odor

The Traditional Manners to Overcome Bad Odor

Recently, people use practical manners to overcome their bad odor such as using perfume sprays, moistures etc. Herein you will find simple manners, how people can overcome bad odor traditionally, for examples:

1. The Betel Leaves (“Daun Sirih”)

Piper betle leaves

Take 5 (five) pieces of the fresh betel leaves, then boiled into 2 glasses of water for several minutes until the color turns to brownish and the remain water only about 1 glass. Drink the extract water everyday in the morning and the evening during 7 days regularly. Actually, the flavor of this water will be slightly bitter

2. The Lemon Fruit (“Jeruk Nipis”)

Pieces of Lemon fruit

Take 5 (five) pieces of the fresh betel leaves, then boiled into 2 glasses of water for several minutes until the color turns to brownish and the remain water only about 1 glass. Drink the extract water everyday in the morning and the evening during 7 days regularly. Actually, the flavor of this water will be slightly bitter

Take one fresh lemon fruit and cut into 4 same parts. A quarter part of them should be rub on the one side of your armpit slowly soon after you have taken a bath and allow it for 10 minutes. Then wipe your armpit using water-warmed cloth. Repeat it after take a bath in the evening. You will need only half of lemon fruit in the morning and using the half remain for the evening. Do it regularly during1 week.

Please enjoy your future days with self-confidence.

Source: Paras Magazine, No.11/August 2004

Written by : Sonia Khoerunnisa, SMP1 Cimahi

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