Kamis, 13 Desember 2007

History of Microscope

Timeline of Microscope Technology

(1) 1590 - Dutch spectacle-makers Hans Janssen and his son Zacharias Janssen, claimed by later writers (Pierre Borel 1620 - 1671 or 1628 - 1689 and Willem Boreel 1591 - 1668) to have invented a compound microscope.

(2) 1609 - Galileo Galilei develops a compound microscope with a convex and a concave lens.

(3) 1612 - Galileo presents occhiolino to Polish king Sigismund III.

(4) 1619 - Cornelius Drebbel (1572 - 1633) presents, in London, a compound microscope with two convex lenses.

(5) c.1622 - Drebbel presents his invention in Rome.

(6) 1624 - Galileo presents his occhiolino to Prince Federico Cesi, founder of the Accademia dei Lincei (in English, The Linceans).

(7) 1625 - Giovanni Faber of Bamberg (1574 - 1629) of the Linceans coins the word microscope by analogy with telescope.

(8) 1665 - Robert Hooke publishes Micrographia, a collection of biological micrographs. He coins the word cell for the structures he discovers in cork bark.

(9) 1674 - Anton van Leeuwenhoek improves on a simple microscope for viewing biological specimens.

(10) 1863 - Henry Clifton Sorby develops a metallurgical microscope to observe structure of meteorites.

(11) 1860s - Ernst Abbe discovers the Abbe sine condition, a breakthrough in microscope design, which until then was largely based on trial and error. The company of Carl Zeiss exploited this discovery and becomes the dominant microscope manufacturer of its era.

(12) 1931 - Ernst Ruska starts to build the first electron microscope. It is a Transmission electron microscope (TEM)

(13) 1936 - Erwin Müller invents the field emission microscope.

(14) 1938 - James Hillier builds another TEM

(15) 1951 - Erwin Müller invents the field ion microscope and is the first to see atoms.

(16) 1953 - Frits Zernike, professor of theoretical physics, receives the Nobel Prize in Physics for his invention of the phase contrast microscope.

(17) 1967 - Erwin Müller adds time-of-flight spectroscopy to the field ion microscope, making the first atom probe and allowing the chemical identification of each individual atom.

(18) 1981 - Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer develop the scanning tunneling microscope.

(19) 1986 - Gerd Binnig, Quate, and Gerber invent the Atomic force microscope

(20) 1988 - Alfred Cerezo, Terence Godfrey, and George D. W. Smith applied a position-sensitive detector to the atom probe, making it able to resolve atoms in 3-dimensions.

(21) 1988 - Kingo Itaya invents the Electrochemical scanning tunneling microscope

(22) 1991 - Kelvin probe force microscope invented.

Jumat, 07 Desember 2007

The Sunday’s Activities of my Family

The Sunday’s Activities of my Family

Pinus park near my grandfather house

Hello, my name is Sonia Khoerunnisa. Herein I want to tell you my last Sunday activities. Last Sunday morning we visited to my grandfather at Dago-Bandung. From Cimahi, we went through Pasteur highway and turn north to Dago Street. In the Sunday morning we met lot of people had jogging sport along the edge of street. There was also a ‘weekly market’ at the edge of Cimahi Street started from front of Cibabat Hospital until Cimindi Oil Station and also at the edge of Pasteur cross roads.


We arrived to my grandfather’s house at around 09.00. There were my cousins at home before my arrival. Actually, I am the oldest grandchild in my big family. I have 4 uncles and 2 aunts from my mother. However I like to talk together with my youngest aunt named Karin. She is studying at the first class in the senior high school. Usually we discuss with her about my hobbies and the school lessons.

Library room

At 10.00 my Aunt Karin and I visited the small library near the house. There were many storybooks and lot of visitors. Most of them are students with similar hobby that is reading a book. We prefer to read the novel and detective stories. We have read several fiction books such as detective Conan, detective School, etc. Sometimes we borrow several books for a week.
Then, in the afternoon we had lunch together with my big family members. Fortunately, my grandmother prepared lot of food included my favorite food namely “nasi goreng”.
My aunt Karin reminded me to hear our favorite singer, because she had bought the VCD. However the music show in the television was also interesting that time.

Mango fruit

In the evening all of us went back to each of our house. We came back to my house at Cipageran-Cimahi. My mother bought some mango fruit for us. After I took a bath then I prepared the lessons books for Monday. I checked all of the homework. My mother prepared the mango fruit for us. We ate mango together at home. I was feeling very happy.

Sonia Khoerunnisa, 7C

Writing Description : Water Wheel

Water wheel

  1. My English teacher is standing in front of the river
  2. His name is Mr Agus Suganda.
  3. There is a water wheel there.
  4. The water wheel is usually used to flow the water.
  5. The water will be very useful for farming
  6. It is also purposed for energy source
  7. The water flows naturally from higher side to the lower side
  8. The water flows fluctuatively daily
  9. This is the concept of electrical power source
  10. This is an example of the renewable electrical source

Sonia Khoerunnisa, 7C

The Traditional Manners to Overcome Bad Odor

The Traditional Manners to Overcome Bad Odor

Recently, people use practical manners to overcome their bad odor such as using perfume sprays, moistures etc. Herein you will find simple manners, how people can overcome bad odor traditionally, for examples:

1. The Betel Leaves (“Daun Sirih”)

Piper betle leaves

Take 5 (five) pieces of the fresh betel leaves, then boiled into 2 glasses of water for several minutes until the color turns to brownish and the remain water only about 1 glass. Drink the extract water everyday in the morning and the evening during 7 days regularly. Actually, the flavor of this water will be slightly bitter

2. The Lemon Fruit (“Jeruk Nipis”)

Pieces of Lemon fruit

Take 5 (five) pieces of the fresh betel leaves, then boiled into 2 glasses of water for several minutes until the color turns to brownish and the remain water only about 1 glass. Drink the extract water everyday in the morning and the evening during 7 days regularly. Actually, the flavor of this water will be slightly bitter

Take one fresh lemon fruit and cut into 4 same parts. A quarter part of them should be rub on the one side of your armpit slowly soon after you have taken a bath and allow it for 10 minutes. Then wipe your armpit using water-warmed cloth. Repeat it after take a bath in the evening. You will need only half of lemon fruit in the morning and using the half remain for the evening. Do it regularly during1 week.

Please enjoy your future days with self-confidence.

Source: Paras Magazine, No.11/August 2004

Written by : Sonia Khoerunnisa, SMP1 Cimahi